This is easily one of my favorite blog posts of the year! We love the family tradition of going to choose a real Christmas tree for our home each year & it is even more fun now that we have children. Tenley remembers details from going to get our tree last year, which absolutely blows my mind since last year she wasn’t even 2 years old yet! Her mind is a steel trap for sure! This is our third year in a row getting our tree from Robinson Tree Farm in Lisbon. We have had great experiences each time we’ve gone! This year was warm & sunny with only a slight chill to the air. It seems like our weather each December as of late has been mild for the most part. We won’t complain, but wouldn’t it be lovely if we had a white Christmas this year? We hope it’ll happen!
Getting to experience the world through the eyes of our children has been a treat & Tenley is a hoot. This is unrelated to Christmas tree shopping, but my mom said she was having trouble with her cell phone one day & Tenley asked, “Is that because you’re older?” hahaha! We just both cracked up for a few minutes. That girl doesn’t pull any punches! While we perused the hillside for the perfect tree, Kenton hung out and smiled & played Peek a Boo with Josh while he was all wrapped up against my chest. I hope Kenton’ll let me keep wrapping him for a long time because I absolutely love having him so close & getting to snuggle with his sweet little squishy self!
This is also a fun tradition that my parents get to be part of, too, which makes Tenley really happy. She loooooooves her grandparents! There is a little story that we’ll get to remember for awhile now that there are photos to remind us- haha! While we were getting ready to leave to go to the tree farm, I was going back and forth from the house to the van getting stuff that we wanted like bottles of water, the camera, snacks, etc. I had a jacket in my hand to bring out for Tenley, but I sat it down on the dryer so I could grab the camera and then didn’t remember to grab the jacket. Doh! Since we don’t wear coats on the kids in their carseats for safety reasons, that’s why it was in my hand and not on Tenley’s body. Thankfully I had my coat in the car & she wore it adorably once we got to the tree farm. Tenley was mesmerized by the blue & purple trees. She called them Elsa trees.
Grandma & Tenley are BFFs.
Oh gosh, this boy & his sweetness! He also has WAY more teeth than his big sister did at this age. She only had two at nine months. Kenton has six and he’s working on a few more.
Kenton was in this photo in my belly last year & this year he got to be on the outside! The miracle of pregnancy & childbirth is awe-inspiring. Â
I’m pretty sure that’s the way Tenley looked at that Santa as a baby, too. haha!
No, we don’t let our nine-month-old eat candy canes. He got a small lick & all was okay in the world. #secondchild lol
Choosing a family Christmas tree must be very hard work because both kids fell asleep on the way home. Tenley was awake when I carried her into the house, but she zonked right back out & I held her during her nap, which doesn’t happen too often anymore. I’ll soak up every cuddle I can get! They get too big too quickly!
And we’re throwing this one in the mix, too, since it was that same day. Who knew brushing your teeth could be so much fun?!Â
Christmas is going to be so much fun this year with these two littles! We can’t wait to share the photos on our blog! You can also follow along on social media:
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Thanks for joining in on the fun through our blog! If you liked this post, you will also enjoy seeing the past couple of years as we chose our tree: