Dear Kenton,
Happy first birthday! Your daddy, your sister, and your mommy LOVE you so much! We all understand that a year is a year & years are always 365 days (unless it’s a leap year, of course), but this past year has seemed to be the fastest year of our lives! You have brought so many people so much joy already & we are all so grateful to know you & get to love on you every day. The first word that comes to mind when I think of you is “sweet.” You are my sweetheart. From the first moment I pulled you to my chest & heaved a sigh of relief mixed with sobs of joy, I felt a love I had never known before. You were squishy & slimy & so long. You had your bottom lip sucked in. All I wanted to do was hold you as close to me as possible for as long as possible. . . forever if I could. I said, “Hi. You’re chubby, baby. I love you.” Ever since that day, you’ve melted my heart over and over again with your smile. While you were growing in my belly, I prayed so often that you’d be a joyful baby and those prayers were answered abundantly. You are, without a doubt, a gift straight from heaven. One of the greatest joys you’ve brought to this world is that of making Tenley a big sister. Although she’s rough with you a bit more often than she’s gentle, you’re always in awe of her and she so often makes you smile. Seeing you two together makes the entire world seem brighter.
There’s no love like sibling love & that is another of my repeated prayers- that you two will be lifelong friends.
I still to this day can’t believe how tall you’ve always been! Maybe you’ll take after Papa Larry? (It seems like it when we had to use two swaddle blankets from day one!)
Just like that on February 19 of last year, we became a family of four. Thankful doesn’t even cover it when it comes to how I feel about you & your sister.
“That’s the strange thing about being a mother: until you have a baby, you don’t even realize how much you were missing one.” -Jodi Picoult. As you’re my second baby, I have found that this is true with each baby.
You have so many people in your life who love you!
A lot of your first year of life you were wrapped up & held close to your mama. Spoiler alert, I’m going to keep wrapping you & holding you close until you won’t let me anymore. Don’t worry, I think they let moms have an adjacent dorm room in college if you want. hahahaha! I’m sort of kidding.
Sometimes the reality of having a little brother is a bit much for your sister, but she loves you deep down even though sharing attention can be tough.
I pray that you always know you’re loved. I pray that you always feel supported by your family. I pray that you will continue to be a light to the world and to bring others joy. I pray that you will find joy yourself. I pray you have the opportunity to experience God’s love in your life & that you can show others the love of Jesus. I pray for you all of the time.
Always know that I love being your mom even on the hard days. And I’m here for you no matter what.
Witnessing the relationship between you two blossom is one of my favorite things. It’s honestly a privilege to be a witness to your life.
Your giggle is the happiest sound & can turn my day around more quickly than anything.
Thanks for being a laid back travel companion even when you were cutting two teeth during a 10 hour road trip to the beach.
I love, love, love kissing your soft, kissable cheeks & I probably do at least 18 times every day. That is a conservative estimate.
“How do you spell love?”-Piglet “You don’t spell it, you feel it.” -Pooh
Eating dandelions & being licked in the face by a dog. . . you know you’re a second child when. . . LOL!
Thanks to our awesome client Ashley for making the kiddos these shirts!
I will never forget how much Tenley loved to see you dressed up as “Elmo Kenton.” She seriously wanted to squeeze you every time & begged us to dress you in that outfit every day for a month. You were the coolest little baby, too. You just went with the flow & soaked it up with a smile.
You really like carrots.
Your daddy is the best daddy & you squeal when he goofs around with you. It’s basically the most adorable thing ever.
You’re mommy’s boy.
But you have daddy’s heart, too.
You are seriously the best. You make me want to squeeze you all day.
Your cousins love you. . . especially Addison. And you adore her.
Oh my goodness. . . your sister loves to feed you. We just let the mess happen. You’re only little for a little while.
I will never get tired of holding you while you sleep. It’s one of my favorite things.
Those little blonde curls of yours. . . sigh.
Kenton, you are a beautiful soul & I’m so grateful you’re my baby. One year already! Happy birthday to you! I’m so thankful you’re in my life!
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