On March 27, 2016, we got the privilege of celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. It was a BEAUTIFUL warm spring day & there was happiness in so many forms all around. Knowing that we’re free & can live eternally in heaven is the most hopeful thing we could ever even think of & we have Jesus to thank continually every day! We got to go to church that morning & it was packed! We had to set up extra seats in the sanctuary because there were so many people & our church is big! We were so happy to see so many others wanting to celebrate Jesus, too! Josh played his guitar with the praise band for a couple of songs & we got to listen to the choir sing a beautiful cantata. My aunt & cousin sang an amazing rendition of “Victor’s Crown” & it fired everyone up! That song has been in my head ever since! When we got home, Tenley was really tired, but we decided to take a family photo with the timer on our camera. The baby butt in the background is so funny & this photo definitely lets me know that I need to bust Tenley’s Easter dress out & take a few more photos of her in it because this one doesn’t show off its cuteness very well, but she was very tired & we didn’t want to attempt any more photos at that time. Josh made his famous sweet potato soufflé & we headed to my Aunt Robin’s & Uncle Mike’s house. We’ve been going there every year for Easter with my mom’s entire side of the family for as long as I can remember. Tenley was just a wee baby last Easter, but this year she was running around hunting for eggs.Â
She calls them “balls.” And I have to mention that her cloth diaper bum looks HUGE & Josh’s grandma even said something about it. She said, “That baby has a big butt.” LOL. It’s the fluffy cloth, I promise! haha!
We HAD to get her this shirt because this Shakespeare quote is pretty much her motto in life! “Though she be but little, she is fierce!”
She loves her Grandma Shishi (that’s my mom).
I love my family more than words can describe & love our family traditions! That’s my mom’s mom sitting by my youngest sister on the ground. I have to take a minute to say CONGRATULATIONS to her & my Tata for yet another year of marriage that they celebrated on March 30. They’ve been married 59 years! AMAZING!
These two are only two-ish weeks apart. Julius was having fun scooting his booty down the hill while we were taking these.
Aunt Robin is a trip. She spoils all of the kids on Easter.
After Aunt Robin’s we headed down the road to Josh’s parents’ house. This is Aunt Lisa, Josh’s brother’s wife.
Grandma Cheryl is one of Tenley’s favorite people.
She was mesmerized by the spinning decorations in Papa Damon’s garden.
We are so thankful for the sacrifice Jesus made for us & are completely humbled by the fact that he gave up heaven to come down to earth & become a man knowing that he’d endure an excruciating death on the cross to save us all. It’s one of those things that is hard for our human minds to understand. We hope you had a lovely Easter with your families, too!