Today’s blog post was inspired by one of my Facebook friends, Samantha Boyer Scott. She is an acquaintance from good ol’ Crestview High School where everyone knows everyone within 4 grades above & below them. ๐ HAHA. . . but seriously. I don’t think I’ve seen her in “real life” in probably 12 years, but I saw her Facebook post the other day & thought it was SO great so I asked her if I could share.
She & her husband will be married one year this September. They attended her friend’s wedding this past weekend & she wrote the following: “Going to weddings as a married couple is so special! It’s funny how the words spoken by the Pastor have such a deeper meaning than they did when you were single. Holding hands through the ceremony and squeezing a little tighter because the sermon really speaks to you and reminds you just how lucky you are to be united as one.”
Her words expressing her love for her husband and the significance of marriage is spot on! Her words inspired me to share a few photos of married couples at weddings we’ve photographed. It is really special to witness the love & happiness on the bride & groom’s faces on their wedding day (of course!), but it’s also really beautiful to see couples who have been married a few years or a few decades feeling romantic & remembering their own wedding vows they spoke years ago. Weddings definitely inspire romance & nostalgia & happiness. . . that’s one of the reasons we love photographing them!
Whether you’ve been married a week or 60 years, we congratulate you & are so honored to be in the married club with you! It’s not always easy, but it’s a wonderful journey and such a blessing! And for good measure, we just HAVE to share a photo of these two cuties we photographed a couple of weeks ago for their SIXTIETH wedding anniversary. They’re Joe & Ann and they’re downright adorable.
May we all be so blessed to be able to be married to our loves for sixty plus years! And may we all hold onto one another just a bit tighter whether we’re celebrating at a wedding or going through hard times. Marriage is all about having one person to count on through the mountaintops AND the valleys. May yours bring you joy no matter the circumstances!
Thanks, Samantha, for allowing me to use your words & for the inspiration for this post!
And to all of our blog followers: if the next time you’re at a wedding we happen to be the photographers, please say hi! We love meeting you!