Josh & Danielle Files | Friends & their Babies | Personal Post

Do you have friends you’ve known for so long that you don’t get to see too often anymore but once you get together it’s like you don’t even miss a beat? That is THE BEST! I am so blessed to have friends like that & now we don’t just get together ourselves, we bring our babies along! My friends Ashley & Nic were visiting from Texas recently so we all got together & had a great time with our kids. I’ve known these ladies since elementary school & they’ve been there for me through everything in life. I am so happy they’re my friends & I love it when our schedules align to be able to see one another face-to-face!

Colton’s parents’ decided that they’d like to keep his adorable face off the Internet hence the silly baby face overtop of his. LOL.Kiddos-Ashs-Return_0001Kiddos-Ashs-Return_0002Friends are priceless & I’m so very thankful for mine! I love you ladies!